

Try Alpha at St Pauls Caulfield North


Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. There will be food, a short talk, and good conversation. Jump in or sit and watch, it’s up to you. Join us for the first session or two and see if you’d like to continue, it’s free and there is no obligation.
Women's Ministry Clothing Swap

Women’s Clothing Swap

How does God clothe you? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? – Matthew 6:28-30 Join us as we explore how God sees us, as women…
English Conversation St Paul's Caulfield North

English Conversation

Do you want to improve your English skills? Come and join in one of our free English Conversation groups every Tuesday during school terms: 10am in the church cafe 7pm online via Zoom – contact us for the link
Mindful Connections all-abilities group in Caulfield North

Mindful Connections

Every Wednesday during school terms, we hold an all-abilities connect group in our accessible cafe space. What is Provided: Social connection and an invitation to engage in Christ-centred mindful activities including games, colouring, movies, Lego and puzzles. Tea and coffee are provided, and there is access to hot water, microwave, and fridge. What to Bring: Packed lunch Registrations are required: Fill out the form below, or call the office on (03) 9576 1477. Note – a medical form will be needed to…
St Paul's Caulfield North Thursday healing service

Healing Service

Our healing services are conducted in a relaxed and non-threatening atmosphere where people can choose to ask for prayer by two of our healing team. They will pray the prayer of faith in Jesus’ name, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Once a month, communion is included in the service. After the service, light refreshments are served in our cafe along with offers of encouragement and ongoing support to anyone on their journey towards healing.
Men's Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast – September

We invite the men in our community to join us for breakfast, followed by a short talk. If you are able to, we ask for a $10 donation to help cover costs. Guest Speakers: Peter Brohier – The Importance of Religion in Australian Society