Healing Service

Healing Service

Jesus Still Heals

Join us every Thursday at 10 am for our healing service.

St Paul’s Caulfield North holds a long history of believing in the power of and ministering with prayer for healing.

On Thursdays, we hold a service particularly focused on healing. During these worship services, we experience Jesus’ love, power, grace and healing through the power of the Holy Spirit. Perspectives change, hope is restored, and healing and wholeness grow. We always encourage medical confirmation of healings.

Is anyone among you sick?
Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. 
James 5:14

What to expect

The services are conducted in a relaxed and non-threatening atmosphere where people can choose to ask for prayer by two of our healing team. They will pray the prayer of faith in Jesus’ name, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Once a month, communion is included in the service.

After the service, light refreshments are served in our cafe along with offers of encouragement and ongoing support to anyone on their journey towards healing.